Meatball is an adorable guinea pig that belongs to 8-year-old Karianna.  For over a week, Meatball was having blood in the urine and was not getting any better.  The bible says that we can pray for anything according to our Father’s will, He will hear us, therefore we can be confident that it will be done.

1 John 5:14-15 NKJV  Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  (15)  And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

With this passage in mind, we should see what God’s will about animals is.  Does He care about their well-being?  Is He concerned with their health and healing?  Let’s look at a few passages that answer this question for us.

Deuteronomy 22:1-4 HCSB  If you see your brother’s ox or sheep straying, you must not ignore it; make sure you return it to your brother.  (2)  If your brother does not live near you or you don’t know him, you are to bring the animal to your home to remain with you until your brother comes looking for it; then you can return it to him.  (3)  Do the same for his donkey, his garment, or anything your brother has lost and you have found. You must not ignore it.  (4)  If you see your brother’s donkey or ox fallen down on the road, you must not ignore it; you must help him lift it up.

Our Father is definitely concerned about the well-being of our animals.  In Deuteronomy 22 we see that if we find a lost animal, we are to return it the owner, and if we don’t know whose animal it is, we should bring it to our own house and care for it until the owner comes looking.  Additionally, if we see an animal that falls down in the road, we are not to just leave it there, rather, we should help pick up the donkey or ox which has fallen.  If God cares about a lost or fallen animal, so much more does He care about a sick animal whose life may be in jeopardy.

Proverbs 12:10 NKJV  A righteous man regards the life of his animal, But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

In Proverbs 12 we see that God’s expectation for us is that we should regard the life of our animal.  If we regard the life of our animal, then that means we obviously have concern for its health and healing.  Therefore, if a righteous man regards his animal’s life, so much more does our righteous Father regard our animal’s health, also!  We can confidently say that our Father’s will is for our animals to be healed.  Amen!

There are many other angles we could take to believe in healing for our animals – the above is just one approach.  We could take any of these other paths of faith to bring forth healing:

  1. Believers lay hands on the sick and they will recover. The bible doesn’t say “sick people” – it only says “sick” which includes animals.
  2. We have authority over all the works of the devil. Sickness, whether against people or animals, is a work of Satan which we have authority over.
  3. We can simply pray in agreement for healing. Jesus promised that when two of us pray in agreement it will be done by our Father in heaven.
  4. Jesus redeems us from curse. There are curses against our animals, therefore if we are redeemed from curse, then Satan has no right to afflict them with sickness.  By way of our redemption we have the right to healthy animals.
  5. We can simply believe that God is Good and speak to the mountain commanding the healing to be done, and it will be done.

There are even more ways to believe than this.  The key point is this:  Seek to believe from as many different angles as possible.  That means you will have well-rounded faith and you will prosper in helping people, creatures, and creation around you.  Remember that we are commissioned to set creation free from the bondage of corruption.  (Romans 8:21)  Our commission to set free from corruption is not limited to people, but to “creation” which includes animals, weather, earth, etc.

Thank you, Jesus, for healing Meatball the guinea pig upon our two prayers for him!  Thank you for reminding us that we should pray for our animals and expect them to be healed.  Amen!

To further encourage you, here are just a few of the animal & insect healings we’ve seen:

    1. A dog in Costa Rica was instantly healed from paralysis by casting out a spirit of infirmity.
    2. A kitten was healed from an “incurable” nerve disorder and atrophy of a limb.
    3. Two honey bees with broken-off wings (struggling while stuck in a water bowl) received new wings.
    4. A honey bee was raised from the dead shortly after the two wing healings.
    5. A lady and her kids raised a dragon fly from the dead at their swimming pool.
    6. A dog who was suffering from sickness-induced paralysis was instantly healed.
    7. A kitten had his leg injured from being stepped on by a person while playing chase. Instantly he was healed and began running around again after laying hands.

God bless you!



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