I wanted to provide an update on the Christian school for orphans at the Freedom House Foundation in Ghana. If you would like the background and historical updates for this project, please visit the GoFundMe page for additional information.

First of all, we would like to thank all of you who have supported this school project with prayer and finances. The school construction has progressed very well. Please watch the 5-minute video below to see how things are coming along.
The current phase that we are working on is flooring. There are enough tiling materials on hand to do 3 classrooms, and so far 2 have been completed. That leaves 3 classrooms to go, plus the school office, and the corridor. The remaining work will require about 200 packets of tiles. The total estimated cost of the tiles and workmanship to complete this phase of the project is $3,570. Any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated. There are 2 ways to give, either our GoFundMe fundraiser or PayPal – please see the links below.
Thank you and God bless you!
Bobby, Kathy, Mitch
Dominion Bible Ministries