I wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all the people that contributed towards Christmas 2023 in our effort to send funds to India & Africa to support children in the schools & orphanages, and other people with needs.  Please take a look at the pictures and videos below from:


  • Faridah Waiswa – Restore Hope Orphanage in Uganda
  • Yashwant Paul – Minister in Northern India
  • Enoch Samuel – Minister in India near Bangalore

Faridah Waiswa - Restore Hope Orphanage in Uganda

This year the children had a large Christmas party with all their friends from the neighborhood included.  Once upon a time, the 40+ children of Restore Hope lived in a tiny 800 square foot house and were the poorest among the poor.  Now God has turned things around for them.  The children live in two 3600 square foot houses and the orphanage is the “cool place to hangout” for all the kids in the area.  God has blessed them tremendously, and many thanks to all who have contributed to them over the years.

Yashwant Paul - Minister in Northern India

Yashwant and his ministry have been diligently attending to the needs of the community for many years now.  He is constantly launching new home churches, drilling water wells, and providing food to the needy.  This year Yash’s Christmas blessing was to distribute over 1,400 blankets to the local communities.  This was a huge blessing to all!  Thank you for your support!

Enoch Samuel - Minister Near Bangalore, India

This year Enoch also focused on giving blankets to the children of his school, plus others with need in the community.  Enoch has multiple ministries, including a church and a children’s school that is for all the children in the community, not just the parishioners of the church.  He is always dedicated to serving the people with spiritual food of the Word of God, but also fulfillment of physical needs.  Thank you for your support that has been poured into his ministry.

In Closing...

Thank you once again for your love & support!  God bless you!  Please also consider supporting our ministry in 2024, as we have several amazing projects at hand.

1. Working with Bishop John Andoh in Ghana to expand the school at Freedom House Foundation Orphanage.  The total cost here is less than $5,000.

2. Building a chicken / egg farming capability at Restore Hope Orphanage in Uganda.  Our objective is to establish a source of income for the orphanage to help offset expenses.  The cost is $2,750 to build the chicken house and acquire the chickens.  The expected profit is $800 per month which will help with about 20% of the monthly expense.

3. We just bought nearly 3 acres of land in Iganga, Uganda, for Back to Jesus Church.  They will be moving an orphanage, school, and church from a rented property over to this new property over a course of time.  The first step is to finish building the shell of a school building that is currently on the property.  This will allow for schooling for the 31 orphans under Pastor Rogers’ care, plus provide school to the neighborhood kids.  The cost of this project is $13,000.

4. Over a year ago, we bought some land near Restore Hope Orphanage outside of Kampala, Uganda, with the intention to build a school.  The 1st pass cost estimate is $57,000 to build a school campus with multiple buildings to serve the orphans and neighborhood kids.  We would like to start this project later in the year.


Bobby, Kathy, Mitch

Dominion Bible Ministries


2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NKJV But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. (7) So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (8) And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

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