We wanted to share with you some Christmas updates from our ministry partners in Africa & India.  We greatly appreciate your support in contributing to many of these Christmas blessings!  God bless you abundantly!  Let the scripture come true for all the contributors:

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 NKJV  But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  (7)  So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.  (8)  And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

Please take a look at the brief write-ups & pictures below and let us enjoy the goodness that God is working through our ministry. 

God bless you!

Bobby, Kathy, Mitch
Dominion Bible Ministries

Christmas in India with Yashwant Paul

Yash is our beloved friend and pastor in India who has a strong focus on church planting and fulfilling the needs of people in the community.  This year his focus was on providing meal packages and blankets to families with need.  You will see 100’s of beautiful blankets and lots of food that his ministry was able to distribute this Christmas.  What a great way to honor Jesus by loving thy neighbor!

Christmas in India with Enoch Samuel

Pastor Enoch Samuel is our friend and ministry partner just outside of Bangalore, India.  This year he held a Christmas celebration which included church services and distribution of food & clothes to children & families with need.  Well done good & faithful Pastor Enoch in blessing the community you serve!

Christmas in Uganda at Restore Hope Orphanage

Faridah Waiswa is the director of Restore Hope Orphanage in Uganda just outside of Kampala.  She hosted a Christmas celebration for the 37 children – 15 boys and 22 girls.  They each received gifts, had a feast, and enjoyed singing songs & dancing together.  You will also notice a picture of a cake which the kids baked & decorated themselves.  Take a look at the pictures below from the 2022 Christmas party for the birth of Jesus.  Well done Faridah in always providing excellent physical & spiritual care to the children & needy in the community!

Christmas in Uganda with Kayongo Rogers

Pastor Kayongo Rogers is our beloved friend & ministry partner in Uganda.  He is the founder and lead pastor of Back to Jesus Church in Kampala.  This year his ministry provided special love & care to widows by providing them with food & other supplies that they needed.  God bless you, Rogers, for consistently caring for the widows year after year!  Additionally, he held church services with Christmas preaching & teaching.

Christmas in Ghana with Apostle Festus

Apostle Festus is a beloved brother in Takoradi, Ghana, who is one of the leaders of a Works of Jesus Bible College in Africa.  His bible college teaches people about authority, power, faith, love, among other topics.  This year one of his ministry’s loving works was to provide for the needs of widows in his community.  Well done Festus in performing both the natural & supernatural works of Jesus to bless & help the people!

Christmas in Ghana at Freedom House Foundation

Bishop John Andoh is the founder of Freedom House Foundation which is a campus that houses 65 orphans and also provides teaching & other services to widows.  Additionally, he has a church and a unification ministry called the United Council of Christian Churches.  John is our beloved friend & brother and he has always done an excellent job in blessing the children, widows, church members, and pastors that he serves.  This year Christmas blessings are a little different.  God is blessing the children with tables, chairs, and an eating pavilion which are all currently being built (hopefully completed in January).  You can see some foundation work in the pictures below, as well as an example table. Additionally, transportation has been a challenge for quite some time since the ministry has not had reliable transportation.  God is blessing the ministry with a beautiful car with low miles and exceptional quality & reliability.  What a wonderful Christmas!

Pictures of tables / chairs and eating pavilion construction 

Pictures of the car God has given to the ministry

Video of car and eating pavilion construction

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