During the last week of January 2019, I went on a mission trip to Ghana to visit with the pastors of United Council of Christian Churches which is led by Bishop John Andoh.  One of the pastors who attended was Reverend Bright Kudadze.  Sadly, weeks before meeting him, his wife had suddenly passed away.  He was emotionally & spiritually shocked by what happened, and thus was in a weakened state.  Satan is “like a roaring lion,” and one of the key attributes of a lion is that it looks for easy victims.  Satan looks for someone who has been weakened in some way, such as Reverend Bright from the emotional & spiritual shock of his wife passing, and he attacked him with a mild stroke affecting the right side of the body, plus a large growth and internal wound on the right ankle.

My visit to Ghana was focused on teaching about faith, authority, healing, protection, and other aspects of God’s goodwill.  Reverend Bright took to heart the teaching about healing which reveals a few important truths which enable us to be healed, walk in health, and give healing away:

  1. Sickness, curse, and death are from the devil – not from God
  2. God’s goodwill is for all mankind to be healed and healthy
  3. Jesus bore our sickness, carried our pains, and took stripes on His back which paid for our healing
  4. God has given us authority, His Holy Spirit, and His power to heal the sick
  5. We are to pray in authority by commanding Satan & sickness to leave, and command the body to be healed – no begging & pleading for healing

Reverend Bright believed what Jesus did for him, and he believe the message of authority, so he put it into practice.  He was thanking Jesus that his healing was paid for by His stripes.  He commanded the infirmity to leave his body.  He commanded the body to be healed.  And he confessed his healing repeatedly over a period of 3 days.  At the end of the first 3 days, he was completely healed from the affects of stroke!  Thank You, Jesus!  He then did the same process all over again for the growth & wound on his right ankle.  The same thing happened – after 3 days the ankle was complete restored, returned to normal size, and the skin was healed!  Thank You again, Jesus!  Please watch Reverend Bright’s personal testimony video below.  Also, a big Thank You to you, Reverend Bright, for creating the testimony video and allowing us to share it!



When we take to heart what Jesus has done for us, how He substituted Himself for us through a variety of sufferings, we can then get the benefit of it by believing, confessing, praying, and commanding.  Amen!  Thank You, Jesus, for substituting Yourself for us in the areas of physical healing, mental health, protection, provision, shame, punishment, law & curse, sin & death, etc.!  Please watch the videos in the following playlist and be strengthened in faith in Jesus Christ to increase your victory in life.

God bless you!

Bobby Collier


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